Saturday, 2 November 2013

Loving the MOOC

Much as I love taking part in NaNoWriMo, I sadly decided not to take part this year, what with up-coming radiosurgery, a possible trip away, and completing the final edits of a book and searching for a loving agent (and still no title other than my favoured one: but would "Komachi Monogatari" sell in the English-speaking world??).

So I was interested when a friend suggested that I sign up for the free 8 week online Iversity course titled "The Future of Storytelling", offered by the University of Potsdam in Germany. the course is a MOOC - a Massive Open Online Course - now about 70 000 participants strong and in its second week. (Should you wish to join, the posted modules remain up for the entire period and anyone can join at any time - there are brief quizzes and assignments, but your level of participation is up to you - so rush on in and sign up).

I am loving it!! I tend to get so involved in the discussion boards and in following links provided by course conveners and participants alike that it takes me much longer to do the modules than it might otherwise do (the bare minimum could be as little as 10 min, by my reckoning). Today, I have sat about 6 hours - and enjoying every minute of it.

Yes, you could read it in a book (once you find the book). Yes you could find tons on the internet. but it is a guided and enthusiastic process and that is its strength. So far we have looked at storytelling basics and are now into television serial structures.

I'm taking a break for some food, exercise and sleep - then it's back I go!

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